
Manudax official distributor of AMOTECH since 2004.

As a world leader in ceramic antennas, AMOTECH (Advanced Material On TECHnology) is renowned for its state-of-the-art R & D Amotech gas a very strong reseacrh laboratory for materials (ceramics, ferrite, nanomaterials, ...).

World leader in EMI / ESD varistors for mobile applications Contactless Chargers Amotech is also the inventor of flexible batteries.

Certifications: ISO 9001 - ISO9002 - ISO 14001 - ISO / TS 16949



  • AEC-Q200
  • ISO9001,
  • ISO9002
  • ISO 14001
  • ISO/TS 16949

Product detail

Supplier profil

Country :
Corée du Sud
Subsidiary of :

Sectors of activites Amotech

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